Smart Factory Webinar Series (Lucky Draw)
Investing in enabling technologies on the journey towards Industry 4.0 is driven by the ultimate business objective of improving the operating result of the business and to sustain the company's relevance in the manufacturing field. Such entire Smart Factory solutions (hardware, software, services) can accumulate up to significant capital expenditures (CAPEX) or operations expenditures (OPEX) over time. On the other side, the gained benefits of the improved operating result shall outweigh the expenditures by far.
In the world of production digitalization we play a major role with our Smart Factory Solution HYDRA, to help you digitally managing your entire production shop floor environment, to eliminate "pencil & paper", to reduce manual labour to a reasonable minimum and to eliminate a wide range of other wastage along your internal value chain of production.
In this particular last webinar episode of our season of "Indonesia speaks HYDRA", we engage in a live draw amongst all eligible manufacturing companies that have participated in at least 6 episodes of our entire webinar season 3, to stand a chance winning a 6 weeks HYDRA Pilot installation, along with basic standard implementation and basic training. Further attractive prices await you on 2nd and 3rd place ...